Just who did leak what information on Internationial Banking?
The White House is blamining
The Media
I have proof here it was the White
that let any informatuion out and
it was years ago too

"Media Matters"
by Paul Waldman
A declaration of war
This week, the conservatives declared war.
Not on The New York Times. Not even on the media
in general. No, this week the entire conservative movement -- from the White House to Republicans in Congress to Fox News
to right-wing talk radio to conservative magazines -- declared war on the very idea of an independent press.
They declared war on the idea that journalists
have not just the right but the obligation to hold those in power accountable for their actions. They declared war on the
idea that journalists, not the government and not a political party, get to decide what appears in the press. They declared
war on the idea that the public has a right to know what the government is doing in our name.
This is a profound threat to our democracy, and
we underestimate it at our peril.
Here at Media Matters for America, we spend a great
deal of time pointing out the news media's faults and missteps. But we do so because we believe in journalism, because we
want journalism to fulfill its sacred obligations to the public, because we know that even in the world's oldest democracy,
a free press is what stands between us and tyranny. The right wing, to put it plainly, does not share this belief.
There is a reason the Founders singled out the
press for special protection when they wrote the Bill of Rights. It was because they understood that without an independent,
free, aggressive, courageous press, democracy itself is impossible. When the government decides who gets to report the news
and what they get to say, we no longer live in a free society. When journalists live under threat of prosecution and even
violence, we cease to be citizens and become only subjects.
The right has kept the media under constant assault
for decades, and the response from the media has been to bend over backward to prove they aren't biased -- by being harder
on Democrats. They should have learned long ago that the "liberal bias" charge has absolutely nothing to do with the content
of the news. It is a political strategy, a way of "working the ref" and providing easy excuses for public rejection of the
right's goals. But what we have seen this week is something qualitatively different.
- Vice President Dick Cheney asserted that the article "made it more difficult for us to prevent attacks in the future" and "will enable the
terrorists to look for ways to defeat our efforts."
- President Bush commented, "If you want to figure out what the terrorists are doing, you try to follow their money. And that's
exactly what we're doing. And the fact that a newspaper disclosed it makes it harder to win this war on terror."
- White House press secretary Tony Snow said the newspaper "ought to think long and hard about whether a public's right to know in some cases might
override somebody's right to live" and suggested that the article "could place in jeopardy the safety of fellow Americans."
- Rep. Peter King (R-NY) argued that the Times had "compromised" the program and "violated the Espionage Act." King urged the attorney
general to prosecute the "reporters, the editors who worked on this, and the publisher."
Conservative media figures agreed that while the
day before Al Qaeda was blissfully unaware that the United States had any interest in the
movement of their money, now they knew we were on to them. Just a few examples:
- Michelle Malkin, syndicated columnist: "The New York Times (proudly
publishing all the secrets unfit to spill since 9/11) and their reckless anonymous sources (come out, come out, you cowards)
tipped off terrorists to America's efforts
to track their financial activities." ["The terrorist-tipping Times," 6/28/06]
- Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist and Fox News host: "If our enemies
now see the way we are going after them on the front page of The New York Times, the L.A. Times, The Washington Post, all
they have to do is wait a little bit and counteract our counteracting measures. ... [W]hen you give too information to the
other side, you're simply setting yourself up for another attack or defeat." [Fox News Watch, 6/24/06]
- Editors of National Review: "The terrorists will now adapt. They will
find new ways of transferring funds, and precious lines of intelligence will be lost. Murderers will get the resources they
need to carry out their grisly business. As for the real public interest, it lies primarily in safety -- and what the Times
has ensured is that the public today is less safe." [Stop the Leaks," 6/26/06]
- Brit Hume, Fox News Washington
managing editor: "[N]ow they [the terrorists] know it. That's the problem. Now they know it. ... The objective is to find
out what channels they are using, who's got the money and where it's coming from. ... You don't want to drive this stuff further
underground because it undermines your ability to track it and to stop it." [Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, 6/25/06]
- William Kristol, editor, The Weekly Standard: Asked how the program's
disclosure damaged national security, Kristol responded, "Because this has broken up plots that now they may be able to go
around the international banking system." [Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, 6/25/06]
- NewsMax, conservative news website: "That newspaper, of course, is the
New York Times, now rapidly taking on the role of Osama bin Laden's reliable informant." ["Reminder to the N.Y. Times: We Are At War," 6/27/06]
There was only one problem with this argument:
For nearly five years, George W. Bush and other members of his administration have been proclaiming proudly that they have
been tracking terrorist financing through international financial institutions.
Beginning fewer than two weeks after September
11, 2001, the Bush administration has "been very public about its efforts to track the overseas banking transactions of Americans
and other foreign nationals," as a June 28 Boston Globe article noted. Keller addressed this issue in a June 25 letter
to his readers, noting that the administration had voiced concerns prior to the article's publication that it "would lead
terrorists to change tactics." Keller noted in response, "It has been widely reported -- indeed, trumpeted by the Treasury
Department -- that the U.S. makes every
effort to track international financing of terror." Following are numerous examples:
- In a September 24, 2001,
speech, Bush announced the establishment of a "foreign terrorist asset tracking center at the Department of the Treasury to
identify and investigate the financial infrastructure of the international terrorist networks." He added, "It will bring
together representatives of the intelligence, law enforcement, and financial regulatory agencies to accomplish two goals:
to follow the money as a trail to the terrorists, to follow their money so we can find out where they are; and to freeze
the money to disrupt their actions."
- In a September 24, 2001,
letter to Congress, Bush noted, "Terrorists and terrorist networks operate across international borders and derive their financing
from sources in many nations. Often, terrorist property and financial assets lie outside the jurisdiction of the United States." He affirmed his commitment to working with
international agencies such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) "to build momentum and practical cooperation in the fight to stop the flow of resources to
support terrorism."
- A White House fact sheet published on September 24, 2001, noted the launch of the Treasury Department's Foreign Terrorist Asset
Tracking Center (FTAT): "The FTAT is a multi-agency task force that will identify the network of terrorist funding
and freeze assets before new acts of terrorism take place."
- In a September 26, 2001,
statement, Bush said, "We're fighting them on a financial front. We're choking off their money. We're seizing their assets.
We will be relentless as we pursue their sources of financing. And I want to thank
the Secretary of Treasury for leading that effort."
- On October 1, 2001, Bush
told FEMA employees, "As you may remember, I made it clear that part of winning the war against terror would be to cut off
these evil people's money; it would be to trace their assets and freeze them, cut off their cash flows, hold people accountable
who fund them, who allow the funds to go through their institutions; and not only do that at home, but to convince others
around the world to join us in doing so."
- On October 10, 2001, Bush
stated that the "nations of NATO are sharing intelligence, coordinating law enforcement and cracking down on the financing
of terrorist organizations."
- During remarks at FTAT,
then-Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said, "[W]e have begun to act -- to block assets, to seize books, records and evidence,
and to follow audit trails to track terrorist cells poised to do violence to our common interests." O'Neill added,
"We have built an international coalition to deny terrorists access to the world financial system."
- A December 2001 report
on the steps the administration had taken to combat terrorism noted that the FATF "-- a 29-nation group promoting policies to combat money laundering -- adopted strict new standards
to deny terrorist access to the world financial system."
- A September 10, 2004,
Treasury Department statement read: "The targeting of terrorist financing continues to play an important role in the war on
terror. Freezing assets, terminating cash flows, and following money trails to previously unknown terrorist cells are some
of the many weapons used against terrorist networks."
Moreover, SWIFT's cooperation in international
efforts to monitor terrorists' banking activities was a matter of public knowledge long before the Times detailed the
Treasury Department program. As former Bush administration counterterrorism official Roger Cressey noted in the June 28 Globe
article, "There have been public references to SWIFT before. ... It has been in the public domain before." Indeed, in his
June 28 column, washingtonpost.com columnist Dan Froomkin noted that according to SWIFT's website, the consortium has a "history
of cooperating in good faith with authorities such as central banks, treasury departments, law enforcement agencies and appropriate
international organisations, such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), in their efforts to combat abuse of the financial
system for illegal activities." And as former State Department official Victor Comras noted in a June 23 Counterterrorism
Blog post, the United Nations Al Qaeda and Taliban Monitoring Group learned of the SWIFT program years ago -- a fact the group
incorporated into its December 2002 report to the U.N. Security Council:
The settlement of international transactions is
usually handled through correspondent banking relationships or large-value message and payment systems, such as the SWIFT,
Fedwire or CHIPS systems in the United States of America.
Such international clearance centres are critical to processing international banking transactions and are rich with payment
information. The United States has begun
to apply new monitoring techniques to spot and verify suspicious transactions. The Group recommends the adoption of similar
mechanisms by other countries.
And long before June 23, Bush and other administration
officials acknowledged that terrorists were increasingly using other methods of transferring money to evade detection. As
Media Matters wrote:
In testimony before Congress in 2004, Treasury
Department undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence Stuart A. Levey said, "As the formal and informal financial
sectors become increasingly inhospitable to financiers of terrorism, we have witnessed an increasing reliance by Al Qaida
and terrorist groups on cash couriers. The movement of money via cash couriers is now one of the principal methods that terrorists
use to move funds." In 2002 and 2003, the Congressional Research Service documented terrorists' increased use of alternative
money flows, including "informal value transfer [hawala] systems that leave virtually no paper trail." Further, various
news outlets and independent organizations have noted terrorist organizations' hesitance to use the international banking
system in recent years.
Yet White House press secretary Tony Snow said
during his June 27 press briefing, "I am absolutely sure they [the terrorists] didn't know about SWIFT."
If this sounds familiar, it should. When the NSA
domestic spying scandal broke, the administration and its defenders argued -- just as absurdly -- that Al Qaeda terrorists
now knew we were trying to listen in on their phone calls. But of course, they had known that for years. What that story revealed
was not that the government was monitoring phone calls, but that it was doing so in violation of the law and without the proper
warrants. When he was confronted with the obvious fact that Al Qaeda terrorists were quite well aware they were being monitored
during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales replied, "If they're not reminded
about it all the time, in the newspapers and in stories, they sometimes forget."
Nonetheless, as we detailed, this week conservatives
trooped to television studios to propose that the Times be prosecuted for treason:
- Melanie Morgan, radio talk show host: "I see it as treason, plain and simple, and my advice
to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at this point in time is chop-chop, hurry up, let's get these prosecutors fired up and
get the subpoenas served, get the indictments going, and get these guys [Keller and The New York Times] behind jail."
[MSNBC's Hardball, 6/26 /06]
- Ann Coulter, right-wing pundit: [R]evealing a classified program, which no one thinks violates
any laws ... that has led to the capture of various terrorists, and to various terrorist money-laundering operations. If that
is not treason, then we're not prosecuting anymore." [MSNBC's Scarborough Country,
- William Kristol, editor, The Weekly Standard: "I think the Justice Department has an
obligation to consider prosecution. ... This isn't a partisan thing of the Bush administration. This is a U.S. government secret program in a time of war, willfully
exposed for no good reason by The New York Times." [Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, 6/25/06]
Many other conservative media figures took to the
airwaves to claim that The New York Times was aiming to help Al Qaeda:
- L. Brent Bozell III, president, Media
Research Center: "The New
York Times needs to be reminded ... that on September 11, 2001, something really awful happened right down the street
from the newspaper. ... And the last thing we need is The New York Times aiding and abetting the terrorist movement.
And that's exactly what they're doing by divulging these secrets." [Fox News' Fox & Friends, 6/27/06]
- Rush Limbaugh, syndicated radio host: "If you look at The New York Times and the kind
of stories they're leaking and running and the information they're getting, it's clear that they're trying to help the terrorists.
They're trying to help the jihadists." Limbaugh added that he thought that "80 percent of their subscribers have to be jihadists."
According to the latest circulation statistics, the Times sells more than 690,000 copies of its daily edition, and
has more than 1.1 million subscribers to its Sunday edition, via home delivery. [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/27/06]
- Andrew C. McCarthy, senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: "Yet again,
The New York Times was presented with a simple choice: help protect American national security or help al Qaeda. Yet
again, it sided with al Qaeda." ["The Media's War Against the War Continues," National Review Online, 6/23/06]
- Newt Gingrich, former House speaker (R-GA) and Fox News political analyst: "You would think
that The New York Times, located on the same island where the World
Trade Center once existed, would
have some residual memory of 9-11. You'd think that The New York Times ... would have some sense of survival. ... [M]y
sense is that they hate George W. Bush so much that they would be prepared to cripple America in order to go after the president." [Fox News' Hannity & Colmes,
- Michael Barone, U.S. News & World Report senior writer: "Why do they hate us? Why
does the Times print stories that put America
more at risk of attack? ... We have a press that is at war with an administration, while our country is at war against merciless
enemies. The Times is acting like an adolescent kicking the shins of its parents, hoping to make them hurt while confident
of remaining safe under their roof. But how safe will we remain when our protection depends on the Times?" ["Why do "they"
hate us?" syndicated column, 6/26/06]
- Morton M. Kondracke, Roll Call executive editor: "And for God's sake, The New York Times
ought to look down the street and remember where 9-11 happened. It really happened in New
York City, you know? And they act as though it never happened." [Fox News' The Beltway Boys,
- Heather Mac Donald, contributing editor to the Manhattan Institute's City Journal: "By
now it's undeniable: The New York Times is a national security threat. So drunk is it on its own power and so antagonistic
to the Bush administration that it will expose every classified antiterror program it finds out about, no matter how legal
the program, how carefully crafted to safeguard civil liberties, or how vital to protecting American lives." ["National Security
Be Damned," The Weekly Standard, July 3 issue]
So have news organizations stood up for their colleagues
at the Times? Unfortunately, the response from most of the country's editorial boards has been muted at best. A Media
Matters review of the 50 papers contained in the Lexis-Nexis "major newspapers" database found that fewer than half editorialized
in the Times' defense. (For the honor roll, click here.) The Wall Street Journal's editorial page criticized the Times yet somehow managed to
exonerate its own reporting on the subject.
And what of the rest of the news media? Have they
been beaten down so badly by years of conservative haranguing that they can't even stand up in support of independent journalism
when members of Congress are calling for their colleagues to be prosecuted for doing their jobs, when right-wing talk
show hosts are saying things like, "I would have no problem with [Keller] being sent to the gas chamber"? Have they not an
ounce of courage left?
you, sir, may I have another?"
One question many people are asking is, why now?
Why is this coordinated assault on the media happening now, especially when the idea that the newspapers actually endangered
national security falls apart on even a moment's examination?
One answer is that the deeper Republicans sink
politically, the more eager they are to change the subject, particularly to something that will rile up their base. The fact
that all the right wing's anger is focused on one of its favorite whipping boys, The New York Times -- when the Los
Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal also ran stories on the banking program -- suggests that the attack was
planned for maximum political effect.
And consider what happened on Capitol Hill just
before this story broke: The big story of the week was Iraq,
the albatross around the administration's neck. Republicans had gleefully brought up for debate two Democratic proposals on
the war, sure that they could successfully paint the opposition as weak, cowardly advocates of "cut and run," yet things weren't
turning out quite as they had hoped.
And at first, the media were happy to help. As
we discussed last week, despite the fact that Republicans were unified in their support for the indefinite continuation of
an unpopular war, the dominant theme of coverage was that Democrats were "on the defensive."
Then something interesting happened: On Sunday,
The New York Times reported that Gen. George Casey, the commander of American forces in Iraq,
had presented to President Bush a plan to begin withdrawing U.S.
troops. Democrats were quick to point out that Casey seemed to agree with them (although CBS News' Joie Chen asserted that
Casey's plan was "not a cut-and-run strategy").
The Los Angeles Times, fervently looking
for the cloud behind any Democratic silver lining, came up with this bit of insightful analysis:
Last week, Congress debated two Democratic proposals
that called for Bush to begin a troop drawdown, resolutions that divided the party. Public acknowledgment of the Casey plan
by administration officials could leave the Democratic Party's leaders in an even more awkward position, having backed a withdrawal
plan already embraced by the White House -- in effect leaving the party with no Iraq
policy distinct from the administration's as the parties head into the midterm elections.
As Greg Sargent wrote on his weblog The Horse's
Mouth, "Just try to wrap your brain around that logic for a second." Yes, it must be just like the time Bush abandoned his
bid to privatize Social Security, leaving Democrats flummoxed and politically weaker because they were unable to accuse him
of trying to privatize Social Security.
But here's what ABC's The Note asked:
The Note is confused: If General Casey (and President
Bush) are going to do what the Democrats want anyway in terms of troop withdrawals (as Democrats are now claiming), how can
they justify all this yelling about Bush not listening to the American people? Do they care more about the name calling or
the policy?
Yes, you read that correctly: ABC News thinks it
was Democrats who were doing too much "name calling" when it came to Iraq.
But just remember: The Note is the expression of conventional wisdom among the Washington
press corps. In their world, Republicans are tough, smart, and cool, and Democrats are weak, dumb, and nerdy; Republican hypocrisy
just reveals the hypocrisy of Democrats; bad poll numbers for Bush only indicate a coming turnaround, and on and on. As Lapdogs
author Eric Boehlert wisely noted, "The Note's definition of buzz has been whatever Beltway Republicans are chattering about.
The Note has been nourished on an era of total Republican rule. It shows."
And it was hardly just The Note. As we documented,
the media's discussion of Iraq of late
has been steeped in GOP talking points, including the following:
- Republicans are "pro-military"
and "support the troops," while Democrats are "anti-military" and "attack the troops."
- Democrats want to "cut
and run."
- Iraq
is the central front in the war on terror.
- Democrats are "divided"
or "weak" on national security.
- The Republicans will always
win debates on national security.
- The Republicans won the
Iraq debate.
All of these ideas were repeated not just by Republican
spokespeople and conservative commentators, but by allegedly neutral reporters. And if, as the media were so eager to report,
the debate in Congress over the war was such a victory for the Republicans, then they should have gotten some political benefit.
But that doesn't appear to be the case. The last Gallup poll
before the debate showed Democrats leading Republicans on the question of which party voters would support in the upcoming
midterm elections, 51 percent to 39 percent. The Gallup poll
taken after the debate showed a 3-percentage-point increase in the Democratic lead, to 54-39.
The events of the past week provide one more demonstration
that progressives must begin to fully appreciate the importance of the media in our political life. Look what happened: Conservatives
began a coordinated attack on a news organization, and suddenly we weren't talking about Iraq or about anything else, we were actually debating whether The New York
Times should be prosecuted for treason.
And journalists could barely summon the energy
to defend not just their colleagues, but their profession -- let alone the citizens they are supposed to serve. At the same
time that they were being subjected to this assault, they continued to view the political world through a lens created by
the very people battering them mercilessly.
In recent editions of our weekly wrap-up, Jamison
Foser has been making the case that, as he wrote back on May 26, "The defining issue of our time is the
media." Conservatives obviously understand this fact. Perhaps soon progressives will come to the same understanding.