joe anybody audio pocasts
My newer Audio Podcast are
at the
of this page

click here to download PODCAST # 1
In this podcast of 12 minutes, I read a War Crime Times, news article and enterject my comments along the way.
The article heading was called:
"Corporate Media and War Crimes"
I also discuss my opinion on 911 and the media coverup about what really happened.
This is the first podcast of what will become weekly broadcasts

click here to download PODCAST # 2
This podcast is a 15 minute audio file is about
Rosa Parks and Tri Met (Portland's city bus service) who
have reconized her by naming a max-train bus stop in her honor.
I read a short newspaper article from The Sentinal and then from
the website Wikipedia.
This was recorded on 4.8.09

click here to download PODCAST # 3
Podcast #3 by Joe Anybody 4.8.09
Around 5 minutes
of thoughts regarding, should the Peace
Movement be held Responsible in regards to the notion that they start the Revolution?

click here to download PODCAST # 4
In this podcast from 4.21.09 I read an article from an economic website called Whiskey & Gunpowder.
The article I critique is about the Tea Party Protests.
In this 16 minute podcast I discuss the
NY City Tea Protest and comment on the writers dismay with all the police
control and lack of freedom at the NY protest.

click here to download PODCAST # 5
This is podcast # 5 and it is less than 10 minutes long.
I discuss the recent Obama and Hugo Chavez handshake and the trumped up
drama about two leaders having a conversation and being respectful. I read and then comment from an article written by an
upset Republican named Otto who served under Bush & Regan.

click here to download PODCAST # 6
This is podcast # 6 and it is less than 4 minutes long.
In this episode I talk briefly about my desire for "justice" and how, from growing up in the 60's
-70's and being to young to "be involved"...and how I had wanted to fight "injustice" then ....and now, today I am doing just
that .... "Fighting Injustice"

click here to download PODCAST # 7
Jamil discusses the current and future US military bases
in Iraq. He relays information from inside Iraq, on the SOFA program and the buildup of forces despite the news being told
in America that we are moving bases out of Iraq. Dhar gives insight on how the
Iraq government is not helping in the betterment of their country, nor is the Obama administration, or our US
military bases word/play game.
6:59 min audio podcast , was recorded on 7.10.09 from a recent email alert I received from Dhar
and thus read aloud and saved as an audio file. I posted this on my website on 10.25.09.

click here to download PODCAST # 8
a reading by me from a blog that is critical of Obama and all the promises he has not lived
up to. I read this 8 minute article and agree with everything I am reading.

click here to download PODCAST # 9
I read Cindy Sheehan's letter to President Obama
that she posted on February 28 2010 regarding the Camp Out Now in front of the White House which is starting on 3.15.10. This
is a spot on demand from the peace community and "peace of the Action" protest, to stop the wars and human rights violations
by the USA ... now. This is a 5 mins long podcast posted on 3.7.10 ....
7 sec cut-off at the very end of this clip

click here to download PODCAST #10
On May 25th 2010
I read for my podcast #10
The article which is titled
By Eva Golinger - (The Chavez Code)
original article that was read for podcast 10 was found at this link:
you come to Venezuela with glistening eyes, expecting to see the revolution of a romantic and passionate novel, don’t
be disappointed when the complexities of reality burst your bubble. While revolution does withhold a sense of romanticism,
it’s also full of human error and the grit of everyday life in a society – a nation – undertaking the difficult
and tumultuous process of total transformation.
Nothing is perfect here, in the country sitting on the world’s
largest oil reserves. But everything is fascinating and intriguing, and the changes from past to present become more visible
and tangible every day.
(end quote)
