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My Latin American 
 PCASC Videos
http://www.pcasc.net/ (the mothership)


~ Newest video will be posted on the top of this page ~
The videos on this page are mostly [not all] from when I returned
Most videos I have on this page are of the recent
video posts that I have put online in 2010, 2011, 2012.

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Tax Dodgerball - street theater
in Terry Schrunk Park
The 99% take on the 1% [in suits] in a game of Nerf Dodgerball
The suits cheat and use loophooles.
The 99% [all] come together at the end to take on [down] the 1%
Street theater in Terry Schrunk Plaza park on Tax Day

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D17 Immigrant Rights

are Workers Rights

Rally and March

Rally in Portland for Immigrant Rights / Workers Rights started with music and speeches in Shemanski Park. A permitted march through downtown followed the rally in the park.

1.  http://youtu.be/D0i1y1-zCaI

2.  http://youtu.be/wv5cY6Rnicg 

3.  http://youtu.be/ItGaQ5eM4Kw

4.  http://youtu.be/h-07ik7awio

5.  http://youtu.be/Ycs1JMgn-cw

6.  http://youtu.be/XVwTyn_AO_Y


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Drugs, Guns, and People – The US War in Mexico
Conversation with Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Policy Program in Mexico City. The Drug War is an epidemic of the intersections between militarism, violence, imperialism, immigration and economics. A conversation with Laura Carlsen to think about the intersections of drugs, guns, and people.

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Press Conference / Portland Ore.
Solidarity With Georgia in a stand against HB 87

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May ? 2011
Eva Golinger Interview on KBOO 90.7 FM
This is a 2-part radio interview that was not fully captured. Eva was in Portland in May 2011 from Caracas Venezuela. This interview date is not clear, and it is a radio recording from KBOO FM

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Eva Golinger on KBOO
(A short segment from her radio brodcast)
Eva Golinger, from Venezuel speaks on local radio

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Part 1: Opening Grupo Xochipilli Danza Azteca
Criminales Todos
Featuring: Grupo Xochipilli Danza Azteca, HERMANO JAGUAR, and more.
There was also Art work on display. A link to that Art is here

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PCASC Fundraiser

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Benji Lewis reads poem "Caraca"
Benji Lewis spent 10 months in Caracas Venezuela
He reads a poem he wrote about his stay in Caracas
At the report back in Portland Oregon "Revolution in Crisis"

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Revolution In Crisis
A Report Back By Benji Lewis
Filmed in Portland Oregon, Benji gives his insight
on what is going on in Venezuela and the world around it


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Part 1:
PCASC: Robin Hahnel
A radical economist and political activist. He is Professor Emeritus at American University in Washington, D.C. where he taught in the Department of Economics from 1976 – 2008. Currently he is a visiting professor at Lewis & Clark College and Portland State University in Portland Oregon, while he has also served as a visiting professor or economist in Cuba, Peru and England. Politically he considers himself a proud product of the New Left and is sympathetic to libertarian socialism.

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Right 2 Survive Portland Cuba Solidarity 7.8.10
Filmed in Portland Oregon when the Cuban Caravan was in town

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Press Release in Portland Oregon - SB 1070
The Arizona Law was denounced in Portland Oregon
Short film of Shizuko speaking about the seneate bill

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Oaxaca Solidarity
Press Report 5.3.10 - Portland Oregon USA

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Nike Tribunal
Honduras Workers Hold Hearing in US
2 ladies from Honduras speak at PSU

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Jose Baquedano in Portland Oregon (110 min)
Speaking about Honduras elections and resistance movement

Honduras Elections & the Resistance Movement

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4-nvEi6wGQ

Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIw84ayEUok

Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ASoOOOVFM

Part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs2qL6jsIgs

Part 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO9jKP3Djrw

These are 5 short YouTube out takes from his 2 hour speaking engagement on 1.28.10

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PCASC holds rally in support & solidarity with
Honduras and Hait in front of Federal Building.
Filmed in Portland Oregon
The Fedral police stop to ask for a stinking permit

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PCASC Honduras Teach In 11.19.09
PCASC in solidarity and in promoting a truthful understanding about what is going on in Honduras held a public teach in. This was filmed on 11.19.09.
The last half of the video (after the first 40 minutes) is a Q and A and discussion time with the public. And a word about sponsoring this solidarity movement.

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September 2009
PCASC Peace & Media Delegation 
Visit Caracas Venezuela
 [50+ videos]
US Peace & Media Delegation
Caracas Veneazuela

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PCASC goes to Caracas Venezuela Sept 2009
In 2009 PCASC sent a delegation to Caracas Venezuela
I was on that Peace & Media Delegation from Portland Oregon
Here are my videos from that trip posted on YouTube:

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Martin Sanchez Venezuela Consulate: Guest Speaker

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Filmed in Portland Oregon on May 9 2009.
This was a fundraiser to help send a Delegation to Venezuela in September 2009.
There was speakers, music, film, beer, and networking and socializing.
The video "Venezuela Rising was shown and the producer "Jennifer Wager" was present to introduce her video and to answer questions.
The music was provided by "Blood and Thems".

Joe Anybody is in Solidarity with the people of Latin America and the Bolivarian Socialist Revolution


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