Read more about me on this link:
Joe Anybody (dot) com |
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Joe Anybody, is an independent videographer who is documenting social justice issues in the Pacific Northwest region for
the past 10 years. Joe has documented many public events / speakers over a variety of topics such as pro-peace / anti-war,
military recruiting, police accountability / copwatching, human rights, immigration issues, public protests, public celebrations,
memorials, lectures, environmental panels, houseless issues, racism lectures, workers rights issues, union rights, 911 Truth
topics, local city government issues, LGBT issues, US Torture issues, Palestine concerns, Veterans Issues, Single Payer Health
Care issues, student-youth concerns, teachers issues, human trafficking issue, indigenous / Native American issues-events
and many similar, smaller concerns over a variety of topics.
Joe Anybody posts 90% of the videos online, for free [copyleft] for general public educational use. Joe has been a worker-bee
volunteer for Portland Indymedia for the past 11 years, worked with Flying Focus Video Collective, has attended and filmed
many years of Human Rights meetings. He has attended Portland Copwatch meetings and is been involved with Portland Central
America Solidarity Committee. Joe has been filming the monthly PDX Race Talks held at McMenamins Kennedy school for the past
two years. He has traveled to Washing DC and to Venezuela on anti war / media delegations. Joe has supplied others artists
who are working on films and documentaries with video footage (Example: Paying the Price for Peace w/ Brian Willson).
Joe maintains a website with links to (most) his video documentations and activism.
His primary YouTube channel is here:

I am an average joe anybody
in fact, we are all joe anybody
~joe anybody 12/31/10