Kit Kittredge is a mother, grandmother and peace activist. She is an active
member of CodePink Women for Peace. Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, Veterans For Peace and Ground Zero Center for Nonviolence.
She works as a Massage Therapist and is a volunteer Firefighter/EMT in Quilcene Wash. In addition to promoting peace and social
justice Kit spends time with her family and growing organic food.
Kit is particularly passionate about peace and justice
in Palestine. She has been to Gaza five times in the last three years with CodePink and other peace organizations working
with doctors, farmers and children's groups. She was in Cairo, Egypt for the Gaza Freedom March in Jan 2010 and in Tahrir
Square during the Egyptian Revolution in Jan 2011. She has also participated in the last two Gaza Freedom Flotillas, the Audacity
of Hope in June 2011 and just recently returned from the Tahrir in Nov. 2011 where she was kidnapped and imprisoned by the
Israeli IDF.
Rally in Portland for Immigrant Rights
/ Workers Rights started with music and speeches in ShemanskiPark. A permitted march through downtown followed the rally in the park.
3 videos form the Port Blockade 3 gates were blocked when I was there, with over 100 at each gate. While I was
at Gate 5 ...I seen about a 1/2 dozen trucks told that the gates were blocked and there was no entrance. Part 1.
Mike tells the Individuals For Justice about the west coast port strike and
also about how he has lost his job due to organizing a Union at his work. He tells us about the solidarity upcoming rally
for another worker who was fired as well. This rally is on December 15th. Information is in the video
This was filmed as the occupy portland protest
marches through town after being kicked out of Shemanski Park which just happened before I arrive and started filming these
5 clips.
Queen Michelle tells me how Standard Insurance fired her after 15 years
of good service. Michelle is standing outside of their Portland downtown office once a week to let the people of Portland
know how they treat their employees and in her case, how they misstreated her.
Joe Anybody interviews Portland Police:
Bob King about so-called Occupy Crime
I ask Bob King with public relations with the Portland Police
about why the fixation on the Occupy Portland - so-called crime finger pointing. I presented my side somewhat but didn't get
the answers I was wanting. The veteran he speaks of that needed CPR ...could of been at the Veteran parade else where
in town.
Bring Hope To
Occupy Portland
I met these two girls who were
looking to speak with the police information officer. As we walk around looking for him we stop and they tell me about Occupy
Portland and there concern and hopes. My hope is in the youth like these girls, who in their show of solidarity, peace, and
understanding... to come out and document the police evicting the peaceful occupy group. This kind of action(s) by the youth
in Occupy Portland is inspiring.
Joe Anybody Meets Officer Friendly
I see 7 cops watching a peace group on Veterans Day So I go over to ask a question I got a rude "in your face answer" from
Officer Friendly (not)
Filmed at the very spot, where the Occupy Portland protest has (2) people in
a lock down to a 50 gallon drum 24/7. Those two protesters, are in this "Union Song" video. This music video was written by
Miriams Well, who is playing guitar and singing.
In solidarity with Wall Street Protesters and all Occupy Protests everywhere!
I had just finished my coffee in the restaurant and was leaving the Hilton lobby
when what do I hear and see... A singing entourage on the staircase singing a welcome song to Jamie Dimon who is the CEO of
JP Morgan Chase. (who was in Portland speaking at a conference at the Hilton) ... The message in the song "you got to
change" resonated throughout the lobby as security, employees, and patrons looked on.
This Occupy Portland 2011 video, is a collection of video clips
from the first 3 weeks of the "occupy portland protest" that I have collected. The video has out-takes from speechs, rally's,
marches, police, students, camp, bridges, and the city streets
Occupy Portland & JWJ, AFLCIO and many other unions stand in solidarity w/ striking Verizon workers by protesting
the union busting Verizon cell phone company. The streets filled with over 2ooo people.As the march winds to an end near Pioneer
Sq. the crowds gather outside the Broadway store for about 10 minutes.... Shouting "Shame on You" and other anti union busting
Hundreds and hundreds gather on 10.22.11 to cross the I-5 bridge on the Oregon / Washington border in Solidarity! to demand
"Good Jobs and No Cuts". Occupy Portland and Occupy Vancouver join in the march and the demands. This is a video of the bridge
crossing from the Washington side
Portland Activist and Citizens [a group of estimated under 1000 people] demanding Good Jobs and No Cuts joined with Vancouver
Activists and Vancouver Citizens in a walk across the I-5 Interstate Bridge on Saturday 10.22.11.
The I-5 bridge sidewalk was was filled end to end as the 99 percent from Occupy Portland and Occupy Vancouver joined with
Jobs With Justice and Union Organizations to form one solid line across the state line.
This clip is just one part of the march and and this event continues in the next video, which I will be posting, right here
on Portland Indymedia
For more information about this event and more like it -- look on
Conversations With The Police
At the Condi Rice Protest in Portland on 10/19/ I barge in on a conversation trying to be started by a cop, by asking
a masked protester "how is it going"? - I thought he might be asking him why he was wearing a mask? --my mistake! turns into
a conversation with me and the cop. As the video facts show, the masked protester didn't want to talk with the cop in the
first place or the second place. I didn't mind talking with my camera on. In our conversation the cop mistakes me for
another average joe free lance vidoeographer filmer.... [but] it wasn't me. I add to this video here a small outtake of when
I did film him speaking w/ the corporate media, but there was no conversation at that time with him and me.
Stop The F-ing Wars protest on the bridge on Portland. This is the Lone vet speaking about the occupy movement and
othe peace and justice topic. He also talks about the young peole leading the movement for justice and peace.
(2) The Lone Vet who is protesting the Wars on the Hawthorne bridge on Friday in Portland Oregon. He gives his opinion
on the Occupation and the General Assemblysand how important it is. He talks about the two party system and the failure of
the governement and the 2 ruling parties.
Condi Rice Protest Portland Or.
Arrest Warrant for Condi Rice
An arrest warrant was presented to the police who did nothing in regards to Condi Rice and her war crime. A mock cage
and look a like staged a street theater of Condi getting locked up by the citizens.
Occupy Portland - Anti War March
Shoes of the 99% walk by camp
This is Day 10 when the anti war 10 years in Afghanistan protest march comes by the camp. The camera shows the shoes
of the 99% moving down the street
Day 10 Reading On The Corner about Corporate Power.
A man reads from an Adbuster magazine on the corner at Occupy Portland after the Anti War march
After Marathon the march along Waterfront - in the crowd
After the Portland Marathon, hundreds from the Occupy Portland movement marched up waterfont avenue. The protest march
followed the same route as the marathone back to the camp. Crowd is sprayed from rooftop 0:57 in video look left side
of screen
Tim Titrud, 2 Hate Crime Cases (Matthew Shepard). Presented by Cathie Bell, The Oslo Events. And presented by Richard
Frager, Bali bombing and Oklahoma City.
Strange Light Seen In
Portland Oregon Sky
So what is this strange light in the sky Around 10-ish - looking east is it a satelilte
A short video of the Impeachment rally and a sound bite from the morning talk radio show on KPOJ about the sit it protest
the day before at the Convention Center
Impeachment Bush and Cheney
Protest Week 10 on 10.4.07 Blumenauers Office
This was filmed on 10.4.07 outside of House rep Earl Blumenauers office in Portland
Oregon. Impeachment Vigil is on Day 77 at House Representative Earl Blunmenauer's Office. This week the Office doors were
open.... and cookies on the counter, but somehow the lack of interest or concern seems evident. The Eleventh week of Impeachment
Rally continues in Portland at noontime.
The Papa Murphy's ex-workers and feloow activists continue to protest outside the 71st Pizza outlet. A rude man with
a pizza in his hand yells at a woman protesters in this video.
The police say "Hi Joe" as they drive by me when leaving with the arrested (?) lady, the next cop waves to the camera
as he drives by. A related article about this same group of over zealous cops is posted here on indymedia
VFP National Convention 2011
Freedom Flotilla & Citizen Activism
Col Ann Wright and Kathy Kelly show pictures and slides while they talk about attempted their trip to Gaza on the Freedom
YER (Youth Empowerment Revolition) organized protest, continues outside the 71
street Papa Murphy Pizza store in NE Portland. Protesters confront the same bad management who has been moved from
15th st. over to 71st st.
A gathering started in the Portland Peace memorial Park by veterans and civillians, who all join in a walk across
the Steel Bridge to the Japenses Memorial Park for a Anti Nuke Rally in remembering those who died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Music and Art from the National VFP (Veterans For Peace) convention in Portland. This 2 separate events that
I merged together for this video. I read a poem by Dan Shea near the end of the video.
NW Immigrant
Youth Alliance presents true personal testimonies, music and dance and then a protest march to Pioneer Square. The theme was
"I am undocumented an unashamed"
I suggest using
Mozilla Firefox to watch this video.
3 buses stop for seven actions in solidarity with Union Contract and Workers Rights. This was organized by Jobs With
Justice in Portland Oregon.
Protest Papa Murphy's Pizza
for Bad Working Conditions
A couple dozen young people, are out protesting the poor working conditions
at the NE 15 and Fremont Papa Murphy's Pizza Shop in Portland Ore. Upon getting no respect from management they take
their situtation to the community by protesting on a busy street corner in front of the pizza shop to tell the public about
their crappy manager and how the main company is ignoring their serious work issues and concerns.
Joe Anybody Reports:
on Portland Police Accidental Beanbag Shotgun Shooting
When Dane Reister took my camera and ticketed me, I filed a tort claim and won. The city changed their policy to allow
the public to film the police in public. Wow! I had to fight for my right to film, which is my free speech. This officer reaction
to me or others that are watching him, is ugly and disturbing. So now that same officer shoots a 20 year old 4 times with
his beanbag [?] gun, BUT its loaded with real LIVE shotgun shells - This report is my opinion of officer Dane Reister.
3 part video series from the June 2 2011 F the War protest on the Hawthorne
Bridge. The F ing US wars around the globe continues. The protest on The Hawthorne bridge continues. The video is in 3 clips
and was filmed on 6/24/11. The military spends 1/2 of all your tax dollars for killing. Stop The F-ing Wars
This was a public meeting to voice the citizens concern and to share ideas regarding the new "Equity Office" being formed
in Portland Oregon. Mayor Adams and Commissioneer Fritz address the 200 citizens, and heard their questions
This is a 2-part radio interview that was not fully captured. Eva was in Portland
in May 2011 from Caracas Venezuela. This interview date is not clear, and it is a radio recording from KBOO FM
The monthly open to the public meeting that is attended by a range of people,
from community citizens, to city hall, to the police, to homeless, to houseless activists.
First Monday of the month in the Portland Building at 3pm
From Caracas Venezuela to Portland Oregon Eva Golinger is on a US
tour is discusing US intervention in Latin America, past and present. A two hour presentation, presented by Eva
is from Caracas Venezuela Her website is
The monthly sharing sidewalk committiee, open to the public, has discussion
on the new sidewalk laws (policy), regarding sitting and pedistrian use. Various city agency's and citizens attend this meeting
This is the monthly
meeting of the Portland Human Rights volunteers, who are discussing the NEW department of Equity, and the impact it is having
on their commission. The city has been SECRETLY changing
the way this group will interact, and is creating an office of Equity. No one know what this means or what will be the outcome.
I am not pleased to say the least in the way the city council is treating this commission..
On the 43rd anniversary of the death of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated while in Memphis to support a strike of city sanitation workers. Those
public workers went on to win recognition of their union, along with economic justice and respect. But today, the rights for
which they and Dr. King struggled are under attack In this event citizens
join with the Oregon AFL-CIO, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, and
fellow union members for a rally to keep Dr. King's dream alive
This is video is Part 1 of 3 videos. This protest was just outside of downtown
Portland on Sunday at the Mittleman Center. There was over 100 people demonstarting peacfully and loudly against AIPAC.
A group of about 50 Portlanders gather in Solidarity with Libya and others who
are rising up in the Middle East. As a dance reception happened in the square, the rally out of respect was mellow
and low key
1. Human Right Commission discuss police joining the FBI JTTF
POTA Clips & Outtakes from Joe Anybody in Washington DC
I went to DC in March 2010
This is some video footage that ended up being "out takes" Here are some of those clips, compiled in one 20 minute
video. This was filmed as I was at The Peace Of
The Action anti-war-peace camp ...which is
where this video starts out. (side note) Cindy Sheehan and fellow POTA acrivist
were arrested earlier that wekend
Kim Kyung-Ran, her
video from Korea FTA protests / with music I added in background
This is a video that Kim shared with Portland Oregon that was filmed in Korea
and possible Seattle (?) - music by rdm125 was added to this video by me, due to the background noise in the room when this
was playing in helped smooth out the audio portion by adding some music.
FBI Raids: National Rally on
Day of Action 1.25.11 Portland Oregon
In Solidarity with peace and anti war activist across the US and especiall those
back east who houses were raided by the FBI. This was in response for a calling for protests across the country and around
the world to show our solidarity.
(1) Portland Anarchists marched 2 miles down the middle of the streets in Portland Oregon to show their disgust
and outrage over all the police shoots and murder. The police shoot people and deaths is rising. The 65 Anarchists march past
a bank and a couple of people leave their message on the front doors. The march continues, towards the police station with
a few dumpsters blocking the street and loud chants directed at the police for killing citizens.
(2) The Anarchists are marching up NE 47th street to the NE police station, the police arrive behind them in
cars ordering them out of the streets. they continue chanting anti police violence chants and stay in the street. A few re-cycle
bins and garbage cans tossed in the street for the police to drive around. The march walks on sidewalk in front of the police
stations, chanting yelling and then disappears into the night... with 60 police all armed and standing around the front of
their building.
Qik: 4 cellphone videos here (full Video coming soon)