
Now Playing: You May be a Child Porn Surfer = Retention of your web surfing requested
Topic: MEDIA
Can you see where this is all going Zebra 3 Readers?
My research comes from this one link on CNet
This intrussion by Mr Gonzales, is being requested of all the big Internet players: AOL, Comcast, Google, Microsoft and Verizon.
And it was just last Friday, that Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller, requested this information in the name of the "T-word".
You all remember it was just last month the reason to snoop was needed because "it was stopping child pornography"! Gonzales Speech Here
At least ....last month that was what they say the reason to want to snoop was for!
Now the Government is migrating the snoop to include stopping Terrorism too! Go Figure!
And the retention time of their proposal would be 2 years of Data Collecting of --> "your" Internet and email records!
No warrant required no reason other than
"you could be a child porn surfer or terrorist"
The way it is now, the current law is based from a 1996 federal law called the Electronic Communication Transactional Records Act. Which regulates data preservation. It requires Internet providers to retain any "record" in their possession for 90 days "upon the request of a governmental entity."
This now new twist can be referred to as
Preservation "versus" Retention
Now to this average joe, this new push for information from the Attorney General's Office smells of government spying and civil rights violations to our constitutional right to privacy!
I wonder why their can't be an efficient checks and balance on the Child Porn done on the people that are publishing it, or hosting it. Rather than prowl through everybody surfing traffic, they should be focused on the people that are promoting it and propagating it!
Punish those that are involved. And leave the rest of us out of their dragnet. The terrorism charge is being trumped to violate our privacy 'again'. There are already safeguards and proper channels to filter or catch Terrorists using the approved tools and ways and means that confine to our Nations Laws. And further more, if we are referring to Sept 11 terrorism, nothing that happened on 9-11 could of been stopped by any of these Draconian measures!
No amount of snooping or spying on innocent citizens could of helped nor prevented the attack. But! - In fact there was plenty of evidence already being presented that was ignored or disregarded prior to the attack that this administration seriously dropped the ball on their watch as the saying goes. And as the Neocons plan unfolded, George went to the Ranch ...and America went to Hell! ....Plan is in motion for "operation stopping terrorism"
We have been backsliding ever since, it continues today with this push to steal our surfing privacy.
Will reading your mail will be next?
In every free society their is room and the opportunity to cheat or do wrong. We don't destroy the (our) freedom because some are doing wrong within it. We don't cut off our hand because a finger was bad.
Although this request last month was was primarily for stopping child porn. It not surprising this month it is for of course, our favorite excuse when violating civil rights
....... "Stopping TERRORISM"
If this new style like the European Union's approach were adopted, Internet companies would be required to save logs showing the identities of e-mail and, perhaps, instant messaging correspondents in addition to data about which customer was assigned which Internet address.
My point is we have measures to monitor suspicious activity that is within the framework of our constitution and we should live by our laws. The current administration is now pushing this new twist to snoop. I don't trust nor respect this Neocon group to be: honest, forthright, or truthful.
Nor are they really concerned about anything they are claiming to the sheeple's corporate media, that they are trying to be. The naive will absently buy this constitutional breech, based on fear and manipulation.
The ones informed my dear Z3 readers will be at least understanding and able to fight to keep our freedom and liberty intact and protected.
Let me say it this way with an old quote, see if it sounds familiar.......
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Now what the hell is going on with that old adage, I ask?
For what its worth I read in the CNet article near the the very beginning of the article"We have real reservations about data retention requirements because of the security and privacy risks attached to it," said Mark Uncapher, senior vice president of the Information Technology Association of America. ITAA's board members include representatives of AT&T, Sybase, Fujitsu and Unisys.
Gee I can't seem to be too impressed!
They should be real serious!